So, I was going to be getting up here in about 45 minutes, but since I slept like a beast yesterday I was unable to fall into slumber tonight.
Could this have anything to do with my taking myself off my anxiety medicine? Nahhhh.
But yeah, so I orgasmed about 10 times probably in an hour's time and I couldn't sleep afterwards. I tried for like an hour and it just WASN'T HAPPENING.
It's weird though, I'll be going into work today for a pretty long shift, without any sleep. I used to do this last summer, way before I became involved with D. He won't be all that pleased when I let him in on the little tidbit of info, but what else can he do right now? Threaten to spank me more? I'm pretty sure I maxed out that little number.
I guess he could make me kneel in the corner more, which granted would SUCK monkey balls, isn't much of a deterrent.
Have I mentioned that I'm not really in a particularly submissive mood this morning? I think that is a pretty important piece of information to share.
There is this park that is located very near to my house, and as I was riding through it the other day I noticed a batch of bamboo. I immediately thought of switches and canes, which made me very hot. I would have shared this with D by now, but I'm kind of afraid he'll like the idea too much. o.o
I know I am headed toward the worst beating I've had in my LIFE and the LAST thing I want to do is give my disciplinarian another implement to punish me with.
Man, as tempting as that sounds? I think I'm gonna pass. o_o
Wow, my hair is getting LONG. It's down to the middle of my back now! I just cut my bangs again, they were starting to be too long.
Well, I had many a high plan for yesterday, and all I ended up getting accomplished was one load of laundry and cooking dinner. Whatever, today's another day! I don't know how much energy I'll be pumping out after I get out of work, but if I have any, I'll try to get some shit done.
Anywho, it's 3:30 so it's about time I get up and start moving like I'm alive!
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