Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Meh :\

So, I got to talk to D again tonight which was nice!

Turns out his boss totally fucked him over in his evaluation today and he was PISSED. Hell, I was pissed for him! He pulls a bunch of shit-shifts and comes in when asked/not scheduled to help THEM out, and they shit on him.

Motherfucking cunts.

I went to work out before work and cooked a chicken dish at work. My day wasn't too eventful except the fact that I ended up leaving late cause I started the last round of the recipe later than I anticipated.

One thing I didn't do, that I was supposed to do, was my laundry. I dislike doing laundry with the burning flame of hatred. I would rather clean the bathroom from top to bottom than do laundry. I really hate that D had taken it upon himself to help me out with my responsibilities cause I keep just getting in trouble for the same shit over and over. >:\

Ugh, the smart thing to do would be just DO the frigging crap, but do I? Of course not, that would be too easy.

Man, I felt horrible tonight about it. He sounded to unhappy with me. :( Sure, I brat sometimes and I pick fun with him, but when he is genuinely displeased with me, it makes me sad. I want to make him happy and when I don't (even when it was totally my laziness/stubborness that made him unhappy) I feel like shit.

Plus it doesn't help that I miss him and wanna see him again. If I had my way, he'd be coming down next weekend, but that won't happen obviously lol. I can't wait until I go to college this fall and I'll be able to see D more often. I can't see him freely at this time because I am living with my parents, and I strongly think they would not want me meeting up with him. They don't know that he came down here already, and I'm keeping it that way.

I'm not embarassed of him, I talk about him at work all the time. Not what I'm into obviously, but I refer to him as my boyfriend and such. It isn't embarassment that keeps me from telling my parents about him, it's the fact I don't want them to try to take it away from me.

I grew up in an emotionally and physically abusive house, where everything was seizable. If I made my grandmother unhappy she could take everything away from me. While this may be different now since I live with my Dad and his wife now, I don't want to take that chance. I like what I have right now, and I don't want it to stop.

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