Thursday, May 12, 2011


So, today has been a pretty chill day. I woke up around noon (from a horrible dream, which is why i remained awake) and got on the computer and dicked around for a little while. I cut my bangs a little bit, and now I'm getting ready to go to my friend's graduation!

I've decided to wear a dress so I can show off my tattoo on my shoulder. >:3

I graduated from the homeschool place that she is graduating from, so nearly everyone there will recognize me and see the tat. Am I being dumb and immature and rub-it-in-their-christian-faces? Why yes.. yes I am.

Ugh, I'm getting hungry. I haven't eaten anything since lunch yesterday, I'll probably eat tonight with the group of friends if they eat, otherwise I think I'll just eat tomorrow.

Wow, this is a random blog post lol.

I might take a nap.

This sounds like a plan.

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