Thursday, November 17, 2011


(This was written several months ago but somehow when editing my posts, I reposted this tonight. Enjoy a vintage entry)

Boy, I wish time would go by faster! I have 9 more days to wait until D gets here! Actually... not even that long. If it becomes the 12th in app. an hour and a half then there are only 8 more days!!

Hip, Hip, Hooray!

Honestly, I am totally stoked. I'm even more excited this time around than I was the first time he came down. Sure I'm dreading the spanking about 1000 times more this time, I am excited about him being here even more than that. Talking on the phone, as much fun as that may be, doesn't have ANYTHING on actually BEING with someone.

Likewise, it's even more if you are in a relationship with said someone. Meh, long distance relationships are not as much fun as they let on. :\ Meh, meh, meh.

Don't get me wrong! I sincerely enjoy D and my relationship, it's just I wish we didn't live so far away from each other and we were able to see each other more frequently. Yet another reason I'm excited about going away to college this fall; D and I will be able to meet up half-way, instead of him having to drive the 5 odd hours to visit me.

Teh excite.

Anywho, I've been totally blowing up my phone with notes of jibber-jabber that usually happens between my ears. I have decided to add some of the notes in here so I'll have them when I delete the ones in my phone to make more room for new ones. ^_^

Today I was whining about how this beating is going to be terrible and if he thinks I'm just gonna lay there and take it like a bitch, he is totally off his rocker. Fuck, I'll be lucky if I don't end up getting extras for getting up and backing up against a wall. I also reprimanded myself for being so stubborn, since THAT is the main cause of most of the beating I'm getting. I mean, it doesn't help that I have a fairly high pain tolerance to solidify the stubborn-ness.

Onto another post.

The other day I was writing about different things I find attractive in guys in general, and how they applied to D in specific. Like... the fact I like when guys act like guys; i.e.Yelling at the tv cause of a bad call in a sport, liking cars, playing video games (a male-dominated thing, no hate ladies, i like them too lol), comics (like video games), etc. I've never been all that girly and I have always tended to be more of "one of the guys" than a girl to most my male friends. While I have changed slightly since being in early highschool, I still feel the most comfortable being around guys who are simply being dudes.

Another thing I find absolutely attractive in every way, is when someone looks/sounds intelligent. This usually goes to the geekier/dorkier dudes who wear glasses and plaid. You know what? Alright by me. :3 While D isn't the snorty, braces-wearing, pen protector guy, he's intelligent and uses big words and is into comics. I know, i know, I'm not into comics, don't get me wrong; but I like how dorky it is that he likes them. I'm a BIT of a dork myself, so it's nice when there are kindred souls around. :P

And last but not least, damn... this last year has been CRAZY-GO-NUTS! I moved out of my old home almost a year ago, and wow... you would not believe the stuff that has happened since I left the shithole I lived in prior. Just to name a few: I lost my virginity, got my own phone, got my car in my name, applied for college, got a boyfriend that i actually LIKE, I've learned to cook, I actually have REAL LIFE friends now instead of only online ones, I got to meet 2 of my online friends (one being D :P), and I got my snake! While these may not seem like such a big deal... THEY ARE.

I really like my life right now and the direction it's heading! YAY

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